Sonova completes acquisition of the Sennheiser Consumer Division and forms a new business

Sonova is one of the largest suppliers of medical hearing aid devices globally and the latest news about the acquisition of Sennheiser’s consumer division is quite interesting in several aspects. 

Sonova has quite a dominant position in medical grade hearing aids devices but they are not consumer friendly, in the sense that Sonova heading aids devices cannot be purchased anywhere and there is a stigma attached to wearing a hearing aid. However, with the trend that brands such as Apple and Samsung are adding hearing aids features in their TWS earbuds might have motivated Sonova to need to make comparable products. 

Sennheiser is well known for high quality headphones and headsets and therefore, it is a good target for Sonova to acquire. 

With the acquisition of Sennheiser’s consumer division, Sonova can now compete in the TWS earbuds markets with their specialty hearing aid features. Adding hearing aids features to TWS earbuds is becoming a mainstream trend as it provides several benefits, among one of them is the cosmetic aspect, as the TWS earbud does not look like hearing aids devices. 

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