Latest Survey Shows General Strong Improvement in Market Confidence

SAR Insights carries out a Market Confidence Survey once or twice per year to gauge the sentiment of the electronics industry. The results of the survey are used to validate and enhance SAR’s research and analysis of device / equipment market trends, which it builds up from sources that include company financial reports, primary research discussions with market players, and third-party economic statistics such as country level GDP and government census data.  

We carry out the survey under our insightXchange. Our insightXchange program is simple – for helping with our research you will receive a free summary of the findings. Contact us to take part.  

Our primary tool for assessing and disseminating information on these device markets is DATAportl, SAR’s new source for data analysis and insights for industry professionals, which currently provides unit shipment forecasts and brand data for 150+ device markets.. 

The chart below is a simplified representation of the survey results, showing mixed market confidence across 17 device types or segments. 59% of respondents expect the overall chip market to grow in the next 12 months; this compares to 27% in the previous survey carried out in Q4 2023. A general strong improvement in market confidence. 

Positive comments cited by respondents include: some pockets of the wearables market remain strong, GenAI is anticipated to boost demand in PCs, mobiles, wearables, and home electronics. The drop in EV prices is expected to stimulate increased demand in the automotive sector. The rollout of new products across robotics, renewables, and smart home devices is also anticipated to drive growth, along with a recovery in enterprise spending. We saw in our last report (Q4 2023) that inventory levels are stabilising and that the outlook will continue to improve over 2024. This is good news for semiconductor and other component vendors. 

Challenges remain however and respondents cited such issues as oversaturation in some markets, unemployment rising in some regions, continued instability due to wars, trade barriers and general economic uncertainty. 

Clients can access a more detailed version of the study here: Market Confidence Survey

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