Latest quarter results from major semis vendors are a mixed bag, but generally it is a quarter of decline

Here is a quick round-up of some of the recent quarterly earnings reports from major semis vendors. In general, there is a mixed bag of results for different sectors, but this is largely as predicted in SAR Insight’s previous device forecasts.

Let’s consider 4 major vendors Infineon, Qualcomm, STMicroelectronics and Texas Instruments.

Overall, the automotive market has been a major boom for all those studied, with electrification and digitisation cited by most as the major trends driving growth.

It is worth noting here that EV charging both as infrastructure and on-board chargers are major growth segments. As expected, the smartphone market continues to become commoditised and of less interest to many of the large semis vendors and many report falls in revenues. The consumer electronics in general is having a tough time, but much of this is on the back of large growth during the pandemic.

Excess inventory remains an issue still and likely to remain so for at least the first half of the year. Many are expecting further 5-10% falls in revenue for the next quarter but are sending positive messages about 2023 as a whole.

The revenue growth/decline will be in part a reflection of the particularly strong pricing achieved by many chip vendors during the last couple of years and a correction of these prices, thus driving lower revenues/profits for some in key markets.

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