AAC Technologies

Will Apple abandon button design change?

By Peter Cooney / April 26, 2023
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​This article and its source refer to rumours that the iPhone 15 Pro will abandon its use of a solid state button with haptic feedback. The use of this type of virtual button has been expected for a few years and SAR discussed this in its haptics focused research. If the rumours are true, this will lead […]

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Patent published for piezo MEMS microphone by AAC Technologies 

By Peter Cooney / March 9, 2022
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This piezo MEMS Microphone patent was filed back in 2020 and was granted 1 March 2022. “The invention provides a piezoelectric micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) microphone includes a base with a cavity and a piezoelectric diaphragm arranged on the base.” Right now, this appears to be the only significant competitor device to Vesper MEMS products.   Whether […]

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