The Evolution of Automotive Audio: A Glimpse into the Future

Audio continues to be a crucial part of the automotive offering to consumers, enabling OEMs to differentiate from the competition and deliver compelling solutions. As the automotive market continues to develop, with 4 key drivers being automation, electrification, software defined vehicles, and zonal architecture, how audio is delivered is increasingly important. Some OEMs continue to work with traditional tier 1 & tier 2s to deliver audio solutions, often partnering with premium audio brands too, however OEMs are increasingly choosing to have more control over the audio system and working directly with component and software vendors. Therefore, it is increasingly important for these vendors to collaborate with others to deliver audio solutions, and the audio foundry is one option to drive this collaboration further.

Source: SAR Insight, Future Cockpit Technologies, High Level Trends, Automotive Audio & UI Technologies Service

I had the opportunity to tour the Audio Foundry, located at founder member Tymphany’s Bridgend, Wales facility. It is an impressive workspace, offering a makerspace, rapid prototyping, testing, access to “the Rig”, and a large configurable area for events, etc. With plans to expand the space by 100%+ as the membership grows. Currently announced members include Analog Devices, Carlab, Dirac, DSP Concepts, Treves, Tymphany, and Zilltek. More members are expected to be announced soon.

There are several key audio trends that the audio lab has identified as being drivers for audio development now and in the future, these include AVAS, spatial audio, and voice as well as newer speaker placement options such as in seat/headrest speakers and removal speakers.

Source: Audio Foundry

It is exciting times in the automotive audio industry, there are many interesting developments that are enabling new experiences for the driver/occupant and several overriding trends that will have a major impact on how audio will be delivered.

SAR Insight & Consulting’s range of automotive market studies are part of the Automotive Audio & UI service. Please get in touch if you are interested in participating in the research or would like more details on how to access our reports.

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