Head Acoustics

Head Acoustics offers LE Audio testing environment

By Joe Murray / May 24, 2023
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​Head Acoustics has updated its solutions to support testing of the new Bluetooth LE Audio protocol. LE Audio, while it was announced in January 2020, it is only just come to market in the past year or so. One issue for companies adopting this technology into their portfolio of headphones is the risk of negative […]

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Highly efficient sound power and sound intensity measurements with augmented reality

By Joe Murray / June 1, 2022
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Head acoustics has announced a new application for the HoloLens 2, developed by a German start-up called HoloMetrix. The application allows users to box off an object in augmented reality before the application creates a personal sound map. This allows the user to identify sounds issues and leakages, creating a quieter environment for perhaps even […]

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